Coach Harsh working with 7 participants for Phobias Deletion advanced NLP process

transform. heal. evolve.

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Phobias can feel overwhelming and intense... But the Freedom after its gone is so joyful

Claustrophobia erased. Rashida gains her freedom – “Closed spaces in the MRI scan terrified me. I sought help from Coach Harsh, opting for ten advanced NLP sessions. His interventions transformed my life, erasing fears and limiting beliefs. Post-sessions, uncertainty loomed. Harsh’s advice? ‘Live freely.’ One day, trapped in a dark office lift, calmness enveloped me. Former panic vanished. As I exited, smiling, my claustrophobia had vanished. MRI checkups? No more panic. My claustrophobia was gone. Harsh’s NLP interventions are life-changing. Thank you, Coach!”


Rashida K, 39, F,

14 yrs Professional Experience, Sr. Project Manager


My son was scoring in the 40s in his prelims. I knew Coach Harsh and sought his help for my son. He did just 3 sessions for my son. With no additional tuition or coaching my son scored 80% average score in his boards finals.”

Sivakumar, 48, Business Owner

“During college, a scolding from a professor left me, a straight-A student, shaken and traumatized. The anxiety and panic attacks triggered by this incident made attending classes a nightmare. My mother had positive experiences with your hypnosis and NLP intervention sessions, so I reached out for help. After just a few intensive intervention processes customized to my needs, my anxieties vanished, and I regained my focus—sharper and better than before. I even achieved four distinctions in my exams! Thanks to you, Coach Harsh, for helping me overcome my anxieties and re-focus with your NLP & Hypnosis intervention sessions designed for me”

Dr. Arusha, 22, AFMC Graduate

Services Overview

Begin your journey today to TRANSFORM your life. Get personalized one-on-one sessions. HEAL multiple aspects with a holistic, well-rounded approach & precisely targeted. EVOLVE into your high-functioning, peak-performing self with strategies designed for immediate impact and continuous lasting change.


Transform yourself innately to access on-demand peak performance states, overcome bad habits, and create lasting change.

  • On-demand Peak Performance states
  • Deleting Bad habits
  • Deep-rooted limiting beliefs
  • Unresourceful behaviours
  • Public Speaking & Confidence


Heal yourself via scientific processes to obtain rapid results for anxiety, psychosomatic pains, & achieve optimal bio-functioning

  • Inner Child Work
  • Anxiety, Grief & Panic Relief
  • Migraine & Psychosomatic Pains
  • Energy Exhaustion & Deep trance relaxation
  • Recurring Medical challenges & Biohacking


Evolve into your peak performing optimal self by overcoming fears, building confidence, and breaking through personal barriers

  • Delete phobias & fears
  • Overcome traumatic events & memories
  • Insecurities, undervaluation, self-doubt
  • Self-Image, Confidence,
  • Self-Sabotage, Negative loops


Hi I am Harsh Singhal

An internationally certified NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer certified & mentored by Dr John Grinder (the co-founder of NLP).

I enable seasoned professionals to delete age old phobias, self negating thoughts, accelerate performance and create choices in life’s stuck situations to experience a wholesome, easier and in-joyful living experience, through the power of advanced NLP interventions.

Now only when you're ready, Book your Free Consultation

Get on a call to assess, how deep do you need to dive